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Visit our new Home Page
Living Hope is people... 
...people from a wide variety of backgrounds who share a common fiath in the Lord Jesus Christ and a common desire to know, worship and serve Him.

Since Living Hope began in 1977, our primary commitment has been to communicate the unchanging truth of God's Word in a way that demonstrates its timeless relevance to the changing world in which we live.

You are invited to worship with us on Sundays and to investigate the other activities that we offer throughout the week. Whether you are looking for a church home or simply sensing the need to learn more about God, we would be delighted to serve you in any way that we can.
Drawing people to Christ,

Building people up in Christ, and

Mobilizing people in ministry for Christ
7 South Fairground Avenue
(intersection Hwy 10 & Fairground Ave.)
Neillsville, Wisconsin 54456
Living Hope is people... 
...people from a wide variety of backgrounds who share a common fiath in the Lord Jesus Christ and a common desire to know, worship and serve Him.

Since Living Hope began in 1977, our primary commitment has been to communicate the unchanging truth of God's Word in a way that demonstrates its timeless relevance to the changing world in which we live.

You are invited to worship with us on Sundays and to investigate the other activities that we offer throughout the week. Whether you are looking for a church home or simply sensing the need to learn more about God, we would be delighted to serve you in any way that we can.
9:15 AM  - Sunday School for all ages

10:30 AM - Worship Service
                    Our worship service blends the best of traditional hymns with more
                    contemporary expressions of worship. A staffed nursery is available.

Worship is our response to Who God is and what He does.
Our goal in worship is to provide opportunities to demonstrate our love for God,
to learn more about Him, and to respond to Him as He speaks to us.
Please join us!
Visit our new Home Page